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Health & Safety Policy



Chestnut Farm recognises that Health and Safety is paramount in our work. The Health and Safety at Work (Jersey) Law 1989 is the primary legislation governing this area of work, however this law is frequently updated and subordinate legislation issued, and so we must be vigilant about changes in the law.


The Health and Safety Inspectorate can be contacted if needed on 01534 447300.


Our overall aim is for care receivers and staff to live and work in a safe and healthy environment.


  1. Appointment of Health and Safety Officers


    1. The Director must ensure that a member of staff is appointed as Health and Safety officer for Chestnut Farm.


    1. Duties will include:


      • Receiving reports of any Health and Safety issues at care receiver premises or the Farm.

      • Responsibility for informing the Director of any hazard or defect which is or is likely to affect adversely, the health and safety of care receivers, visitors or staff at care receiver premises or the Farm.

      • To participate in training for health and safety, including emergency treatment of casualties.

      • To ensure accident reporting procedures are followed, including completion of reporting forms, and to advise the Director of any hazard or defect where it is considered that preventative measures should be taken.


    1. Whilst responsible for notifying known hazards and defects in the establishment, the Health and Safety Officers are expected to exercise normal vigilance and are not responsible for notifying of any hidden defect or hazard.


    1. The Health and Safety Officers should keep a constant look out and note and report any foreseeable or potential hazards. These duties do not in any way diminish the overall responsibility of the Director for the management and safety of visitors, staff and premises.

  1. Slips and Trips


    1. Staff need to be aware of the dangers of slips and trips, and should be aware of their surroundings both inside and outside, such as uneven floors, trailing cables, and slippery surfaces whether due to spillages or otherwise.


    1. If staff can’t rectify a hazard immediately they are responsible for reporting and recording the hazard as soon as possible using the Hazard Reporting Form.


    1. Any accidents caused by a slip or trip need to be recorded using the incident reporting form. Staff should inform the Director as soon as is practicable.


  1. Working at Desks or Computers


    1. Staff need to ensure they understand the importance of measures to reduce health problems associated with working at a desk or computer.


    1. Staff should sit with good posture and change positions at the desk or computer to eliminate back ache.


    1. Staff should take regular breaks, including short walks to reduce fatigue and stress on the body.


    1. Staff should ensure proper use of keyboards and mice to reduce the risk of Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI).


    1. There should be appropriate lighting to eliminate eye strain and headaches.


    1. Upon request, Chestnut Farm will provide funding for an appropriate eye and eyesight test for computer use. If corrective glasses are required for computer use, Chestnut Farm will cover the cost of a basic pair. Should the employee wish to buy a more expensive pair, they will be responsible for the difference.


    1. Staff are responsible for the cleanliness of workstations, keyboards and computer screens


    1. Staff are responsible for reporting any broken furniture or equipment they may identify.



  1. Work Related Stress


    1. Excessive pressure in and out of work can lead to stress which undermines performance, it is costly to employers and can make you ill.  To try and prevent work related stress both line managers and staff should work following the six ‘Management Standards:


      • Demands:  This includes issues such as workload, work patterns and the work environment.  Line Managers should ensure that staff skills and abilities are matched to their job demands and within their capabilities.  Staff need to ensure they speak to their Line Manager about any concerns they have regarding demands on their time or workload.


      • Control: All staff have a say in the way they do their work within their job description, and should be encouraged to use their skills and initiative. Chestnut Farm will encourage all staff to develop their skills and knowledge. Staff will be consulted whenever possible over their work patterns.


      • Support: Chestnut Farm has policies and procedures to adequately support staff. Systems are in place to respond to any individual concerns. Staff are expected to support their colleagues where possible. Annual appraisals are in place to enable staff to give and receive regular and constructive feedback.


      • Relationships: Chestnut Farm promotes positive behaviours at work in order to avoid conflict and ensure fairness.  Policies and procedures are in place to resolve unacceptable behaviour. Systems are in place to encourage staff to report unacceptable behaviours. Chestnut Farm does not tolerate bullying in any form.


      • Role: Staff need to ensure they understand their roles and responsibilities. Chestnut Farm will give staff a Job Description and Specification applicable to their role.  Management will conduct an induction with all new staff.


      • Change: Chestnut Farm recognises that change within the organisation can be positive and may be unavoidable.  Management will provide all staff with information to enable them to understand the reasons for any proposed changes.  Staff will be made aware of any impact this may have on their roles and relevant training will be offered to ensure they can meet the changing needs of the business.


    1. Any concerns from staff will be recorded, monitored and reviewed, all information will be confidential and only shared on a need to know basis.

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